Gujarat Police have seized more than 87,607 kilograms of drugs, valued at Rs 16,155 crore, highlighting the state’s intensified efforts to tackle drug trafficking. This achievement is part of the Narcotics Reward Policy, which has strengthened enforcement actions under the NDPS Act, 1985, resulting in a significant increase in drug busts.
Through this policy, more than 2,500 individuals have been arrested, and 64 people have received Rs 51,202 in rewards. Additionally, Rs 6.36 crore has been allocated to 169 individuals, with a proposal for Rs 5.13 crore in rewards for 737 more under review by the NCB Committee.
The Narcotics Reward Policy incentivizes both public and government participation, offering rewards of up to 20% of the market value of seized drugs for informants. Government employees involved in successful seizures can earn up to Rs 20 lakh, while private informants receive Rs 2,500 per case.
Rewards are also available to legal heirs of deceased informants or officials, ensuring that contributions are acknowledged. The system rewards based on the value of the information and the risks involved in drug busts.
Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi praised the policy for its role in protecting Gujarat’s youth and dismantling drug networks. He encouraged the public to report drug-related activities, stressing the long-term societal harm caused by drug abuse. This comprehensive reward structure continues to strengthen law enforcement efforts in the state.